Saturday, December 06, 2008

About Me

For most of my life I've been consumed with crafting. I started out with friendship pins and bracelets in my childhood and I now love working with fiber, paper, fabric, and glitter. I began blogging in 2004 and will continue to use The Crafty Conservative as my personal blog. This site is designed to encompass all things "Christy Nelson" and share my love of handmade items.

I'm the wife of a college professor. I have a degree in Communications and am a former high school Spanish teacher. We are the parents of two children. They were both adopted at birth. The oldest has autism. We've lived in a few different states (California, Oklahoma, Indiana) but now we call Nebraska our home and love it!

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Print Toolulu is a business I started with my friend Deb.  We're working hard to help small business owners navigate social media.


I am one of the staff bloggers at Family Eden.  I blog once a week about crafting with kids and family management.


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Blogger Tiffany said...

I feel so honored. You actually used most of my suggestions! Go me!

I love the new site. I hope it brings you many happy hours of crafting and interacting with crafty people.

6:37 PM  
Blogger Christy said...

You know me best, Tiffany!

6:52 PM  
Blogger wendysue said...

You forgot that you're freakin' fabulous! I love your site! Someday I will get my "crafty corner" of my basement organized and get crafting again!

9:14 PM  
Blogger Christy said...

One of these days I'll add testimonials from all of you and "freakin' fabulous" will be up there for sure!

I think I started out as flippin' fantastic, though. Is that better or worse than freakin' fabulous?

11:24 PM  
Blogger kelly o! said...

"freakin'" is better. And she's right, you are freakin' fabulous! Go Christy!!


3:57 PM  

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