Friday, March 06, 2009

Make. Needle Felting Projects

Needle Felting Mosaic

After my video tutorial on needle felting, I thought I would share some pictures of a few of my other needle felting projects. I made these when I was first learning. It shows a few other ways to incorporate needle felting into your craft arsenal.

The sheep is a wall hanging. I used long locks of wool for the body and lightly felted that area. It is done on one 11 X 14 piece of wool felt.

The turtle is a 3-D project made by starting with felting a ball of roving. You basically poke it until it becomes stiff and you can shape into your desired shape. I added colored roving on top to mimic the shell. It is a fun, small project.

Share your own needle felting projects at the flickr group.

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Blogger Erin S. said...

I LOVE those projects! I'm always a sucker for little animals!

10:33 PM  

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