Saturday, March 14, 2009

Lincoln Handmade Etsy Team Promotional Giveaways

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Starting on Monday, the Lincoln Handmade Etsy Team will be hosting a week of giveaways. As a founding member of the team, I'm so pleased to be taking part! Make sure to take a look at the shops of those that are participating and follow us around during the week to win some great handmade items. I'm going to be giving away a 3 month subscription to Christy's Craft Challenge starting on Monday.

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Blogger Kristy said...

Thanks for the heads up! I'm stoked.

10:44 AM  
Blogger kelly o! said...

Whoooo Hoooo! Gotta love giveaways!

4:12 PM  
Blogger Allen said...

Awesome! Southern Flair is having an ongoing daily giveaway of Etsy sellers. Check it out too!!

7:58 PM  

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