Sunday, August 02, 2009

BlogHer Recap Part II


BlogHer had a BUTLER!  Provided by Pepsi, these butlers roamed around the conference providing cold beverages to us all the time.  So much so that Tara, at Feels Like Home tweeted during a session that she wished she had a drink.  Moments later, he appeared with an assortment of beverages for her to choose from!  Now that is a great way to use twitter!  The butler game me this nice beverage while I was waiting in line for THIS:


TIM GUNN!  He is just as amazing as you would imagine him to be.  I actually got a chance to help 5 Minutes for Mom interview him.  They don't have the video posted yet (I'm writing this a few days ahead of the actual publish date) but as soon as they do, I'll share it here. 

I only wish my appointment at the Suave hairstyling area was for before I met him.


I'm so sad I can't remember her name!  She was so great and fixed my hair up nicely.  She looked so much like Taylor Swift and that is what I called her in my head.  Anyway, she got my hair all gussied up for what I think was the best event of the weekend:  BowlHer.

BowlHer was an after party put on by One2OneNetwork and Collective Bias.  It was at the Lucky Strike Bowling Alley.  That is one tricked out place.  AMAZING!  IMG_2354

The first thing we did was practice our poses for the red carpet.  I try, you know.  After we walked the red carpet, we checked out our surroundings.  We weren't there so much for the bowling.  For me, it was all about the music.

Three artists were there: Anya Marina, Suai, and Brooke White!  I saw Anya Marina a couple of months ago when she was the opening act for Jason Mraz.  I fell in love with her music then and couldn't wait to see her in such an intimate setting. 

We parked ourselves front and center in the room with the music and didn't move the rest of the night.  It was amazing! 

IMG_2358Anya did a great set and she's now got a shrinky dink bracelet.  

Suai is more R&B and she didn't stay after to take pictures.  Unfortunately my pics of her singing were all blurry.  I never professed to be a master photographer!

Brooke White was next!  You might remember her from a little show called, American Idol.  Brooke was always a favorite of mine and I had been looking forward to her new album (available now!) IMG_2369 She totally caught me singing along to Radio, Radio and called me out on it when we were chatting!  She told us to sing along!  Verdict: Brooke White is such a talented artist and a super sweet person.  We talked crafts and she had me put one of my friendship bracelets on her wrist.  Definitely a highlight from the trip! 

The rest of the night we spent dancing!  Sleep is not on the agenda at BlogHer! 



The next day I flew home and the day after that I left for the Craft and Hobby Trade Show in Orlando.  These last few weeks have been such a whirlwind I don't know what it is going to be like when I get back home to my normal, everyday routine. 

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Blogger Andi @ udandi / Lunch It Punch It said...

fun recap! I saw you front and center in someone else's (can't remember who) BowlHer concert photos :)
I think that Butler did not like me, he never had Pepsi when I was looking for one, in fact, I never got a drink the entire conf. think Pepsico sensed I own Coco-Cola stock?!

10:27 AM  
Anonymous Jillian Cusimano said...

It was great to meet you at the Suave/Degree lounge.. and your hair looks awesome! Thanks again for the bracelet. Hope to chat soon, Jillian Cusimano

4:34 PM  

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