Friday, April 24, 2009

Craft Challenge FAIL

Craft Challenge Voting

I thought I was going to make something super clever and awesome this month for the craft challenge.  I got an idea to make a little magnetic fishing pole with some little felt fish.  We have a cheap plastic version of this toy and I thought I could make something cuter.  I was wrong.

IMG_1940While the idea may have been a good one, the execution was a disaster.  It is ugly and it doesn't even work!  

REMINDER:  If you haven't turned in your craft challenge pictures to me yet, please do so ASAP.  The next round of voting will start around 10pm tonight.  If I don't get any more entries, I'll choose the top vote getters from the first semi-final round and move them on to the final on April 26th. 

Have no idea what all this craft challenge talk is about?  Read the FAQ

Want to participate next month?  Buy your packet here.  The deadline for May is April 27th and there are options for 1, 3, 6, and 12 month subscriptions. 

Want to sponsor a prize or some supplies?  Read more about that here

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Blogger kelly o! said...

Bummer that you didn't achieve your 'vision' this round...

I have to sit out the May challenge -- we'll be out of town quite a bit. But I will contribute to the prize package! (So excited about that!)

10:21 PM  
Blogger Tara @ Feels Like Home said...

I love that you shared it with us, even though it didn't turn out how you wanted. :)

9:11 PM  

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