Sunday, April 26, 2009

Make. Knit Sweater Vest


I have some pretty cute kids (probably because my personal genes were not involved in their creation).  My daughter is at home with me all day so she is the one that has featured prominently around here but I have a son as well.  He is a talented pianist and happens to have autism.  April is Autism Awareness Month and even though the month is almost over, I'd encourage you to take the time to learn a little more about it and share the information with your kids.  

Now, on to the pattern details!  This was a test knit for the Craftivist.  I guess I can't give you all the details until she has the pattern ready to go!  But, when it is ready I'll let you know.  It was well written, easy to follow, and a pretty quick knit.  I used Naturally Hand Knit Tussock 10 ply Aran.  I bought this yarn when my son was a baby and I was first learning how to knit.  It was actually my very first "stash".  I originally meant for it to be a Harry Potter sweater for my youngest brother (who is now 12).  Instead it stayed in my stash waiting for the perfect project.  This was it.

IMG_1912Here you can get a better idea of the actual color.  It has flecks of green and navy in it.  It isn't the softest yarn around but since it is a sweater vest, it won't be touching skin. 

The vest is knit in the round so there is minimal finishing at the end.  No seams!  There is an easy 1 X 1 ribbing detail along the bottom, arms, and neck.  The rest is done in stockinette but since it is knit in the round, there is minimal purling.

He was very proud of his new hand knit and all day last Sunday at church he was announcing to everyone that his mom made his vest.  Isn't this the reason why we make things for our kids?  So sweet.

If you don't know how to knit and would like to learn, why not check out my Knitting School series?

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Blogger Carmel said...

It looks great! What a beautiful boy you have :)

8:10 AM  
Blogger kelly o! said...

Love the vest on your little man. He's adorable!

8:24 AM  
Blogger Marie {Make and Takes} said...

You made that sweater?! You have some major talent. I'm coming back here when I'm ready to learn!!

And thanks for the reminder that it's Autism Awareness month! I need to make a mention on my blog.

3:36 PM  

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