Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Make. Miniature Garden

IMG_2002I'll admit that I'm pretty good at crafting.  Even with the occasional FAIL here or there, I can hold my own.  Gardening?  Not so much.   I'd love to be the kind of person that can garden.  I've had a container garden in the past.  In fact, I might even try it again.  I'll just have lower expectations. 

Janit is the owner of Two Green Thumbs Miniature Garden Center.  Her product got me so excited that I knew I had to try it*.  It's a crafty garden so I thought I might be able to handle it.  I was mostly right. 

Here is one of the kits all decked out (photo from twogreenthumbs.com) and ready to go.  The product arrives ready to be planted in a container (or the ground).  There is everything you need to make your little garden paradise.  What really drew me in was the ability to add on cute little accessories.  You can add mini garden gnomes, patio furniture, or even ponds!

As you can see from the first picture in this post, my garden doesn't look as good as it could. I feel kind of bad posting this review because my execution was lacking.  I have nothing but great things to say about the product.  I just wish I had been able to make mine a little more cute.  IMG_2001

Having said that, it really didn't turn out too badly.  I love looking at it and the kids really enjoy taking care of it.  My daughter takes some of her little toys out there to play on the miniature patio. 

From start to finish, the garden takes a couple of weeks.  You need to plant your mini shrubs and then you'll want to make your patio.  The actual work doesn't take too long (and is quite therapeutic) but the concrete needs to cure so you'll need to let that happen for some time.   I had some ill-timed rainy weather so I needed to make sure my patio was covered and safe from the elements.  I think this had something to do with the dead spot you might have noticed on the very top of one of my little shrubs.   I also messed a little too much with my patio and it turned out bumpy.  I do have enough materials that I can rip it out and try again.

At any rate, I totally recommend the miniature gardens and hope that some of you will try one out.  I'd love to see some pictures of them if you do. 

*product provided

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Blogger oobbles said...

AWESOME! I totally want to try this. I think it was the fact that I can get a tiny gnome that really hooked me.

11:49 AM  
Blogger Deb said...

This is AWESOME!! Totally love it.

1:40 PM  
Anonymous Emily said...

That really is precious!

8:26 PM  
Blogger Erin S. said...

I think even I could handle this! So Cute!

12:21 PM  

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