Friday, May 01, 2009

Make. Knitted Babes.

Last summer I bought the book, Knitted Babes.   My kids love these dolls so much that I finally had to hide the book.  They kept asking me to make them and they expected them to be done RIGHT THEN!  The pressure was too much so I hid it.  Out of sight, out of mind. 

The other day I was cleaning out part of my craft room and my daughter found the book.  She was so excited to find it and began to pick out her new doll.  She was so particular and didn't change her mind at all after two days so I decided to go ahead and make it for her.IMG_1968 

If you check out this post from last summer, you'll notice that I had the most problems with the face.  This time I decided to use premade eyes and it made all the difference!  I used a small piece of felt for the mouth (cut into a tiny heart) and her nose and eyelashes are embroidery floss.  The hair was really fun to do and I think I'll add some more braids to thicken it out eventually.

I fudged a little on the pattern for the clothes.  I made a one piece leotard and made the tutu separate.  I was particularly clever with the tutu (in my opinion).  I used a hair elastic!  It fit perfectly around her waist and then I just tied on the tulle strips until it was covered.   

IMG_1970I had the doll hidden until today.  She still needs ballet slippers but the pattern in the book is a little fiddly and I think I can do it better.  These could be famous last words, of course.  As soon as I started taking the picture, my daughter saw the doll and has taken her away for an adventure.  She named her Jo Jo. 

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Blogger Spool {} said...

They're both beauties (the doll and the daughter)!

8:20 AM  
Blogger kelly o! said...

Jo Jo is adorable, and the picture of Eva and Jo Jo is *priceless*!

4:55 PM  

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