Monday, August 03, 2009

CHA Summer Report. Craft Celebs, Quick Craft Tips, and a Giveaway

Hanging around at the Craft and Hobby Trade Show has its perks. For one thing, you get to meet amazing crafters! In fact, the very first person I saw when I walked in the doors was Carol Duvall. The. Carol. Duvall. The Queen of all Crafters. I didn't know what to do so I kept walking. I was so disappointed and I regretted it the rest of the day.

The next day I was at the Provo Craft booth chatting with Matt, their Chief Marketing Officer--this guy loves bloggers and that makes me happy--. Carol Duvall was in the booth. I mentioned how I missed my opportunity to talk with her the day before so he took me over and introduced us. Seriously? I felt like a big shot and an embarrassed teenage girl at the same time. I didn't take out my camera. A handshake was good enough. I'm glad I did finally get to meet her. I would have regretted it if I hadn't.

Many of the booths had great make and takes done by some amazing crafters. Kathy, the Crafty Chica, shared a great tip for me on this video.

Mark Montano wrote The Big Ass Book of Crafts. I knew you all would want a copy so he's agreed to send a signed copy to a fan of All you have to do to enter is be a fan on my facebook page. If you're a fan, you're registered. I'll pick a winner on August 15th. Want to see his craft tip?

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Blogger wendysue said...

I love that you made sure to correct him. . .it's .net!!! :)

10:33 AM  
Blogger ozlynda said...

Ok, I have only recently joined facebook but here goes.
I am now a fan.
Really would love that book. Me and my 2 daughters are big crafters and love new books.
Glad you had a great time at the trade show.

12:46 AM  
Blogger kelly o! said...

Can I be a fan twice? I *really* want that big ass book!

Or maybe you'll let me flip through it before sending it on to the actual winner? ;)

3:43 PM  

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