Tuesday, August 04, 2009

CHA Summer Report: Provo Craft

I spent my fair share of time at the Provo Craft booth at CHA. It was the first booth I went to on Tuesday morning. I showed up because I wanted to play some more with a YUDU. Little did I know I'd be invited to attend their gala that night. It was the party to launch the Gypsy. I had seen the Donnie K videos before the event and I give Provo Craft an A+ for a very clever social media campaign.

Here is a quick video I filmed of Jim from Provo Craft demonstrating the Gypsy for me. It looks really exciting and I like the fact that you can just load your cartridges on there and they're good to go!

I was super excited to get a Gypsy (oh, the benefits of being a craft blogger!). The only problem? I don't have a Cricut.

cha summer 048

Here you can see a picture of one. However, I'm pretty sure I'm going to want the Cricut Expression. I would be using it more for home decor, fabric, and vinyl so I can only imagine I'll want a bigger size. They're on sale this weekend at Joann's so I may have to go and check them out. Do you have one? What would you recommend?

cha summer 057 Who wouldn't want to make this? This sold me on the Cricut right then and there.

Back to the YUDU. I wanted to play with this machine as much as possible to see if I should make the investment. Lucky for me, I waited because I found out last Friday that I won one at BlogHer! cha summer 012

Here is an attendee using the YUDU to print on a picture frame. The Provo Craft had some really great make and take projects that allowed us to use a variety of different products in a multitude of ways. We used the Yudu on paper, picture frames, and shirts. We used the Cricut for embellishments and glass etching.

cha summer 013

Here was one of the finished make and take projects.

By this time, I was glad I brought an extra suitcase. The projects were so fun that I spent a lot of time doing those. It was a great way to get hands on practice and chat with the reps they had there.

Keep your eye out on Provo Craft. They are doing some amazing things with technology and anything that combines technology with crafting- I love it!

Want to know what else I love? Meeting up with some of the Craft Critique gals at the Provo Craft Gala. Not the most flattering picture of us but it was all I got!

cha summer 004 Speaking of the Craft Critique, they did an excellent review on the Provo Craft booth as well (I told you that bird pillow was great!). You'll also want to get your September craft challenge packets NOW! Craft Critique is the sponsor and you'll be sure the prize is amazing. I'll give you more details on that in a separate post.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check us out, we look cute. I'm going to have to get on that September challenge!

9:48 AM  
Blogger Petit Elefant said...

I just saw that you won on Design Mom. YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!

10:58 AM  
Blogger Craft Accident said...

Hey! My eyes are closed! lol! Oh well! at least I am smiling!

Lets chat soon about that sponsorship... I have some great ideas!

1:19 PM  
Blogger Maren said...

I've totally been coveting a Cricut for a while now but just can't justify the expense. But after seeing your post I'm gonna try to convince Lance that that's what he needs to buy me for our anniversary next week. :) (The 9th anniversary is the Cricut anniversary, right?)

5:58 PM  

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