Thursday, August 20, 2009

Make. Knitted Camera Cozy

One of the items I won at BlogHer was a Nikon Coolpix S60 signed by Ashton Kutcher.  It is a pretty neat camera.  My Canon S5 (I love this camera!) will still be my main camera but sometimes it is too big to lug around to events or family outings.   I had been looking for a good point and shoot to keep in my purse.  Needless to say, I was super excited to hear that I won this one!  IMG_2483

It didn't come with a case so I decided to knit one up for it at knitting group last night.  I didn't use a pattern.  I just cast on (around 40 stitches) on my double pointed needles and started working in the round.  After about 4 rows, I made a row of eyelets (k1, yo, k2 tog) so I could have it function as a drawstring bag.  IMG_2484 When I got to the end I bound off and seamed it up using the mattress stitch. 

The yarn is a handspun that was purchased off of EtsyOobbles bought this yarn for me and I absolutely love it.  I can't find the seller anymore but it is a handspun, hand dyed merino and is great to work with.  IMG_2482   Now that I have this cozy I can toss my camera in my bag and not worry about it getting scratched! 

If you're interested in learning how to knit, why not check out my knitting school?  There are 6 lessons.  Scroll down to the bottom of the page to start with lesson one. 

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Blogger oobbles said...

Knitmommy- I just went and checked my purchases-

10:32 AM  
Blogger kelly o! said...

Pretty *and* practical! (Just like you, Christy!)


5:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My 7 year old was watching me knit yesterday and asked if I would teach her how to knit. In fact, she asks me almost every time she sees me knitting. I don't think she has the motor skills to handle needles yet. Do you have any other suggestions on how I can get her started?

11:25 AM  
Blogger Christy said...

You can try it with her! I've seen some 5 year olds that have been knitting.

1:45 PM  

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