Monday, August 17, 2009

Make. Twitter Fail Whale Version 1.0

Last night I had to make something.  It had been a while since I've had a moment to actually craft.  I've been working hard trying to catch up after my trips in July and getting things rolling with Toolulu.  Then it hit me.  I should make something that represents where and Toolulu intersect. 

failwhale This is the twitter "Fail Whale".  This image shows up when twitter is down and unfortunately, I've seen that image a lot these past few weeks. 

I thought I'd try to make a crocheted version of this iconic image.  Here is version 1.0. 

IMG_2446This took me about 20 minutes and I was basically  just trying to work out the basic shape.  Over the next few days (weeks?) I hope to bring you a few more versions as I work out the kinks and try to make it super awesome.  Once the fail whale is looking good, I'll add the birds and the net and turn this FAIL into a WIN!

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Blogger Angela said...

I love this! I love it. You so have to bring these to the conference as giveaways. :-)

11:45 AM  
Anonymous Mandy said...

This is so cute - not a fail at all! It's like the fail whale's little brother. Love it!

11:49 AM  
Blogger Deb said...

This is awesome! But you already know this!! ;)

12:19 PM  
Anonymous Brad said...

20 minutes? I'm impressed. Can't wait to see version 2.0!

12:38 PM  
Blogger said...

LOL! That is fabulous!

1:32 PM  
Blogger Melessa Gregg said...

I think I will have to learn how to crochet so I can make one of these. I'm not kidding, I have a 'how to crochet' book I need to open now that I've returned to that "life of leisure" as a SAHM. (Insert eye roll here)

5:25 PM  

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