Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Stuff I Like. Dresses from Refibered

My mom special ordered some dresses from Kelly at Refibered for all of her granddaughters.  I got to pick out the fabric. 

You can read more about the dresses and see more pictures at Kelly's blog.   I got to pick out four different fabrics.  The dresses are totally reversible and either side can be worn in front.  A four in one, if you will.  On the top left you can see the two light blue fabrics.  One has polka dots and the other is a floral print.  The flip side of those are the bright floral and black/white.  Pink straps tie the whole thing together. 

She did such a great job on these dresses and I can't wait to see all of the girls wearing them.  There is enough fabric left over for me to make some little drawstring bags for each girl.  I'll post pictures of those as soon as they are made. 

*Don't forget to enter the Greeting Card Fashion Plates giveaway!*

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Blogger kelly o! said...

awwwww, thanks Christy! It was a lot of fun to make the dresses. I'd love to see your drawstring bags!

10:26 PM  

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